Makeup Withdrawl

Saturday, June 06, 2009

So recently I've really gotten into lollipop26's "Project 10-pan" and I must say, I'm hanging onto her every word. She has become one of my favorite youtubers and I'm inspired by her. So much that I decided to do my own project 10-pan.

Now I know my collection is not nearly comparable to Laura's but for quite a while now I've been looking at what I do have and thinking, wow, I have more than I need. And when you think about it, there's not much that a girl NEEDS in terms of makeup. Laura has exceeded that by 10-fold and I may have exceeded that by 2-fold. But its not so much the amount that I have, but the fact that there are more than a comfortable number of items that I never use and I don't know why I bought.
Take pigments for example. The first time I discovered the wonders of pigments, I was in such awe that I bought a bunch at once. In odd colors. That aren't wearable on a day to day basis. Like Clear Sky Blue (which is perfect for summer if anything, however I left it in my apartment. fml). And Silver Metal. These items are great colors, but seriously, when am I going to wear them? And then there are the eyeshadows that I wear all the time, and I love them and consider them great buys, but that in turn means that I'm not using the other eyeshadows. So my reasoning for project 10 pan is not so much to use up my excess of makeup, but to teach myself a lesson that I should think before I buy. Thus, I have to use some of the makeup that I don't really use now before I buy new things.
But the other day, while watching lollipop26, I had this massive urge to go out and buy ricepaper or shroom eyeshadow. And not just, oh I feel like buying some makeup. It was like I was dehydrated and needed water to survive. Freaking out, wondering when I was ever going to use up silver pigment and when ricepaper was ever going to grace me with its existence in my collection.

But because my collection is still quite small, there is nothing really to worry about. I'm just sad because I feel like I may have wasted money on some makeup items that I didn't think clearly about. But I'm not the wasteful type. I will use that sky blue pigment on my lips if I have to.

Should I just blow some money on more makeup cuz I'm young and don't have that many responsibilities yet? Or should I pray for some strength, stick with my plan, and trim down my collection to the things I really like and wear, and go from there?


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  1. I love this idea! I should try it too.. but it's good to hear you're considering it despite how difficult it obviously is.. I know what you mean by those cravings to buy makeup.

    Brave through it, tough it out, and finish up those products you've forgotten about! I think you'll feel a lot of accomplishment and when you can finally buy new makeup I think it'll feel that much better!

    Just my opinion! good luck! :)

  2. well hey, we can do it together!
    im trying to finish up my first product, which is a lipbalm, but its taking forever! im eyeing it everyday though lol


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