Hello? Is anybody there?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm back!

Did I die? No.
I went to college. And then I graduated. And now I'm working. Keeping this short, because I'm not sure who's actually going to be seeing this, but for anyone who was wondering. I plan to continue my blog again. Haven't yet decided my best course of action, but I'm sure it'll come to me over a cup of tea.

It's tea weather. And speaking of, I see holistic youtubers discussing teas in their favorites videos. And I do dabble in tea. But I'm wondering if anyone else is confused. Am I missing something about tea? I CAN'T TASTE ANYTHING.

People say "oh this tea tastes so good, I can't have enough of it....and these 2 are my favorites." Either I can't brew tea properly or people are making it way more than it is. Tea smells great, and different ones taste different. However, once its brewed, it really doesn't taste any different from one to the next. You inhale the aroma when you sip, is that the "flavor" you're supposed to be getting?

Another possibility is that I am used to strong flavors, in coffee, lemonade, coke, southern sweet tea, that my tastebuds are not delicate enough to enjoy the savoury goodness that is tea.

I'll still drink it. I like the idea. It's fun, low calorie (I do add sugar or milk or even creamer sometimes, so its not no calorie). And I just feel like it's something people do around this time, being cold outside and all. So I approve. Just wondering if there's something I should be doing different to enhance the flavor of my tea, or if anyone else feels tricked whenever they open a delicious smelling carton of tea bags, and find it tastes like hot water and sweet smelling dirt.

Now who's going to go grab a cup of tea now? I am.

Lots of love

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